Our preschool section is designed to lay a solid foundation for children aged 18 months to 5+. We understand the importance of nurturing outstanding future leaders. That is why at Sternfield International School, we adopt the Montessori style of teaching and learning to develop their minds.

Best Montessori School in Lagos & Nigeria

At Sternfield International Preschool, our teaching approach is child-centred. Our teachers neither impose on our pupils nor abandon them in total free play. Our classes are well-equipped with Montessori didactic materials in the following five Montessori curriculum areas:

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Education Is Great!

Sternfield International School has some of the most visionary, innovative, seasoned, highly professional, and skilful educators you will find anywhere.

  • Our dedicated teachers enhance your child’s learning.
  • We help students find their place in the world.
  • We inspire our pupils with a desire for achievement and self-improvement both at school and in later life.

 Sternfield International School have what you are looking for.

Come and join us today. Let us become part of your child/ward’s success story.


Our Pre School Age Categories

As one of the best Montessori schools in Lagos, our preschool  uses the four main types of learning styles;

  • Visual (learn through seeing)
  • Auditory (learn through hearing)
  • Tactile (learn through touch)
  • Kinesthetic (learn through doing and moving)


Sternfield Preschool: 18 months to 5 years



Preschool 1-3

Start Date

August 2020

Currently accepting Application
