Please send us proof of payment, no matter how you made the payment.

Please send us proof of payment, no matter how you made the payment.

We want to hear from you

Help Us Acknowledge Payment

Parents, please make sure to provide the school with proof of payment for any fees that have been paid.

Fill Form Below to get started. Required fields are marked*

    Name Of Depositor:

    Telephone Number:

    Date Of Payment:

    Amount Paid (₦):

    Name Of Child(ren):

    Reason For Payment( On PC, hold Ctrl key while clicking to select multiple options.)*:

    School Bus Service:

    Address Zones*:

    Nearest Bus Stop:

    Preferred Transportation Option*:


    Additional Information:

    Upload Payment receipt* :
    Allowed Type(s) : Jpg, Jpeg, PNG, pdf, doc, docx

    What is your answer 7 + 4